Biofuel products like wood pellets and briquettes typically originate in the densely-forested East, and end up being used to warm up the households of the West. We provide bulk industrial-grade wood pellets for clean biomass energy to Europe’s leading energy companies using sea vessels of 3.000 to 30.000 tons. Forest based biomass used to be considered an efficient option only for local use. However, the modern chains of logistics have all but minimized the significance of distance.
A million years ago early humans harnessed the fire element to keep their caves warm. We may have changed in many ways since that time. But the core human desire remains unchanged. We still want our caves to be warm and welcoing. And as it was then, so it is now: we can still use wood bioenergy to cultivate human indoor living in a sustainable and progressive way.
Forest based biomass used to be considered an efficient option only for local use. However, the modern chains of logistics have all but minimized the significance of distance.

Biofuel products like wood pellets and briquettes typically originate in the densely-forested East, and end up being used to warm up the households of the West.

We provide bulk industrial-grade wood pellets for clean biomass energy to Europe’s leading energy companies using sea vessels of 3.000 to 30.000 tons.

Forest based biomass used to be considered an efficient option only for local use. However, the modern chains of logistics have all but minimized the significance of distance.